I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have a good excuse. I'm officially a member of the work force again. I started back to work 3 weeks ago. Several things happened. 1) I became too busy to breath. Literally, sometimes I realize that I'm turning blue because I got too busy and forgot to breath. OK, just kidding, but that's how it feels. 2) I realized how much I enjoy being with my son. The walk to my car after dropping him off at the sitter's is the most heart-breaking moment of my day. The walk from the car to the house when I get home is the longest moment of my day. The moment he smiles at me and says "gooooo" when I come in the house is the best moment of my day. Pretty much every moment of my day revolves around him, whether he's with me or not. 3) I realized that there is more to life than my job. Like, a lot more. It kind of takes the stress off at work. 4) I realized that working 2 full time jobs is hard! (Yes, I'm counting teaching as one and being a mom as one. If you disagree you are obviously NOT a mom). My house is messy, I'm behind on my school work, clothes are piling up, I'm tired all the time, and I DON'T CARE!!! It's all good! What's important is that my family is safe, happy and mine. All mine.